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Business Technology Sales and Service

When you need more than just a computer guy we are there 24/7 with our proactive and preventive approach to technology management.  Our Virtual CIO program is designed manage and integrate the technology solutions your business needs and we do it as an affordable alternative or supplemental solution to having an in-house IT Department.

Every small business — with dreams of growth and expansion — realizes technology enhances business productivity. Of course, not every small business can allocate funds to staff an IT department — or in some cases even have an IT professional on call.
For most small businesses, IT experts on site are chiefly managing tactical issues — leaving little time for maintenance, monitoring and planning when it comes to nurturing a strategic, effective IT strategy. For most small businesses, a virtual CIO (chief information officer) is an exceptional alternative to restaffing or expanding an internal IT department.

From the article 4 Ways a Virtual CIO Helps Small Business by Small Business Trends

Technical Support
Sales and Training
Procurement and Installation


Discount prices on New Hardware like Printers, Desktops, Servers, Time Clocks, and Security Cameras

Or Refurbished/Off Lease Hardware like Printers, Desktops, Servers.



Not only day-to-day monitoring and maintenance of IT performance and productivity, but also comprehensive IT management


Comprehensive and consistent IT management is the difference between suffering disruptive productivity gaps and maintaining seamless operational productivity.


Having a forward-thinking vision of where you want your business to be, as well as goals for immediate improvements, is essential to any successful enterprise.

Did you know that for most businesses, IT is the second-largest budget item after employees.

Re-Mark Technologies provides your first line of defense, protecting your IT investment by delivering a cost effective solution for addressing your business’s IT requirements.

Why SMB’s are adopting Managed Services:

Approximately 7 in 10 end-user organizations today contract with a MSP for some or all of their technology needs, according to a recent survey report published by CompTIA.

The CompTIA study found 46% of the current users of MSPs have reduced their annual IT expenditures by 25% or more as a result of their shift to managed services, with 13% experiencing 50% or more IT savings.

These savings and other business benefits have driven 62% of the current users of MSPs to plan to increase the proportion of their IT operations managed by MSP over the next two years.

Our Clients

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